Cake Sizes and Pans Available

I am always adding to my collection of pans! Currently I have the following cake sizes/pans available:

Round:        - 4", 5", 6", 8" 9", 10", 12" 14"
                  - 9" contoured

Oval:           - 8"

Square:       - 6", 8", 10"

                 - 7x11"   (1/8 sheet)
                 - 9x13"   (1/4 sheet)
                 - 11x15" (1/2 sheet)

                - 14"

Shaped pans: 
                - 9" heart
                - teddy bear
                - bunny's head
                - snowman's head
                - sports ball
                - Rudolph head
                - carousel horse
                - Nascar car/checkered flag
                - Stand up house
                - Mini ball
                - Star pan
                - sports car
                - 2 entwined hearts
                - guitar pan
                - cross
                - Winnie the Pooh
                - scarecrow
                - full Rudolph
                - clown
                - Christmas stocking
                - teddy bear with blocks

Mini shaped pans:
                - heart
                - butterfly
                - bunny

               - standard size
               - mini cuppies
               - square cupcakes.

If there is something that you are interested in that I don't have listed here, please let me know! I am always buying new pans to add to The Cakery's collection!